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Q - Will it work in my yard?

A - YES. Radio Fence works in yards of all sizes, regardless of layout.

Q - Is my dog too big (or little)?

A - Radio Fence has been proven safe and effective for all dogs over 5 lbs. The adjustable collar allows you to create a perfect fit for your pet.

Q - Will it hurt my dog?

A - NEVER. The mild “correction” pulses delivered when a pet approaches the boundary are designed to get your pet’s attention, but not punish him. This method has been proven safe and will not harm your pet.

Q - Can my kids get hurt?

A - NEVER. The mild correction pulses are connected to the pet’s collar, not the fence. So even if your child is holding the pet when it crosses the boundary, they’ll never feel a thing.

Q -I have a small dog and a large dog. Will this work for me?

A - YES. Radio Fence is effective for all the dogs in your family. The kit includes one collar; additional collars are available separately.

Q - Is this complicated?

A - From installation through training, the enclosed easy-to-follow manual walk you through every step. Plus, if you ever have a question, our customer service center is here to help.

Q - How old does a dog have to be before starting training?

A - This is somewhat breed dependent, but most breeds should be at least 16 to 20 weeks of age.

Q - During training an owner observes their dog sitting in the correction zone. The owner has touched the probes and has determined the collar is working. The owner can see the dog's skin flinch, so he is sure the dog is receiving the correction. What should the owner do to prevent this from happening?

A - Retrain the dog by putting it on a long leash. As soon as the dog is observed entering the correction zone he should be pulled out and redirected to the "sit" and "stay" command.

Q - Once a dog is trained to the system what is the best way to take the dog out of the boundary?

A - Create what is called an "invisible gate" and take the dog out only through this gate. This is covered in detail in the owners manual.

Q - Once a dog is trained to the system how does the owner create the "invisible gate" concept?

A - Place a long leash on the dog. Turn the system off. Remove the dog's collar. Put the dog on the "sit" and "stay" command near the area that will become the "gate". Owner walks out of yard and asks dog to "come".

Q - If a dog is running through the system at only one spot in the yard, how is this corrected?

A - Set him up at this location. For example, have him on a long leash and then have someone else walk by that spot or walk their dog by that spot. When the dog attempts to leave - pull him back with the leash and then redirect him to the "sit" and "stay" commands. Also see our Re-Training Tips

Q - Can an owner use the Radio Fence to train other dogs from coming into the owner's yard?

A - Only if the other dogs are wearing a receiver collar.

Q - What is the dummy collar effect?

A - This is a procedure where the collar is eliminated as a factor in learning. In other words, the dog wears the collar without it being activated for 3-5 days. This way the dog does not learn that the collar causes the correction, but rather getting to close to the yard boundary.

Q - How long should an owner take to create the dummy collar effect? How many days should the dog wear a deactivated collar before receiving the correction for the first time?

A - On the average, it will take at least 3 days and as long as 7 days.

Q - The first time the dog receives the correction should he be on or off a leash?

A - On the leash. This way the owner can easily redirect the dog to the appropriate behavior.

Q - What is the purpose of having the dog on a leash the first time he receives the correction?

A - In the event the dog becomes confused, the owner can easily direct him to the appropriate behavior.

Q - How long should the owner leave the flags up?

A - The flags should remain for at least 2 weeks, but in some cases as long as 30 days.

Q - What is meant by the "safe zone"?

A - The area where the dog can roam freely without getting a correction.

Q - Does the correction cause pain or harm to my dog?

A - Absolutely not. The correction is safe, painless and humane.

Q - Is this a humane way to train a dog?

A - Absolutely. While the correction is unpleasant, it is harmless to your pet. Electronic training devices require interaction and training from the owner to achieve desired results. Therefore Radio Systems Corporation provides comprehensive training manuals with each training product. These tools were developed with veterinarians and animal behaviorists to ensure safety and peace of mind for you and your pet.

Q - Can I use this system to train my dog to stop jumping over or digging under wood or metal fences?

A - Yes. In fact approximately 40% of those buying a Radio Fence already own an existing physical fence.

Q - How do I prevent one dog from chewing on the collar of another dog?

A - If you see one dog chewing on the other dog's collar - pull him off and redirect him to "sit" and "stay". Also, a daily spraying of Lysol on the dog's collar will help repel the other dog.

Installation Questions

Q - How deep should I bury the wire?

A - We recommend that you bury the wire 1 - 3 inches underground to give it protection from possible damage caused by small rodents or surface traffic. It is not vital to the operation of the system that the wire be buried, but it is highly recommended. You can also bury the wire deeper, (up to 6-8 inches) if you are concerned about damage caused by aeration, etc. The wire can be attached to an existing fence, hedges or other items if it is not going to get damaged. In wooded areas you can even run the wire through PVC or rubber garden hose.


Q - What is the best thing to use to dig a trench for my wire?

A - We have found that the quickest way to dig your trench is with a straight edged spade or shovel or a power lawn edger or trencher is ideal for larger installations or hard soil conditions.

Q - How do I cancel the signal in certain areas of my boundary?

A - The Radio Fence signal can only be canceled by twisting wire together. The wires must be part of your continuous loop, and must be traveling in opposite directions. The tighter the twist, the better your cancellation will be. However, you must be sure not to over-tighten the wire and cause a break in the wire's outer insulation. We recommend at least 10-12 twists per foot. Example: Start with one end of the wire attached to your transmitter. Take wire out to the edge of your boundary, make your loop which encloses your property, then come back to the transmitter. When you are coming back to the transmitter to close the loop, twist the wire with the wire that you started with initially. This will cancel the signal over the wire that connects your transmitter to the outer edge of your boundary . This same principle can be applied to enclose pools, ponds, gardens, outbuildings, etc.

Q - Does it matter where I mount the transmitter?

A - Yes. The transmitter should be mounted INDOORS ONLY in an area where it will be dry at all times. This is because exposure to moisture can damage the electrical components inside the unit resulting in poor fence signal and risk of electrical shock or fire.

Q - Why do I need to have rounded corners along my boundary?

A - It is important that the corners on your loop are rounded with at least a 6' radius. Any sharp turns or angles in your loop can cause complete signal failure, or just intermittent signal conditions along your entire boundary. This is because the signal that is radiated off the boundary wire cancels itself out if it crosses with an opposing signal. Since wires in a sharp corner or angle allow the signals to cross each other directly, they cancel each other out. A rounded corner will prevent direct crossing of the signals and your Radio Fence will function properly.

Q - How can I install the wire across hard surfaces like my driveway or sidewalk?

A - If you have to cross concrete, asphalt, brick or other hard surfaces, either lay the wire in a convenient expansion joint or use a circular saw with a masonry blade to create a groove. Place the wire in the groove and cover with an appropriate patching compound. Your local hardware store can help you choose the right compound for your type of driveway.

Q - What can I use to give the wire additional protection?

A - In areas that may experience particularly high traffic, or areas prone to small animals digging or chewing, we recommend that you run the wire through a PVC pipe or rubber garden hose, then bury it 3-4 inches deep. This will not affect the signal, but will give the wire additional support in areas prone to breakage. NOTE: Do not use metal piping or garden hose that contains metal strands in the weave.

Q - Why do I need those little flags?

A - The flags are absolutely vital to the success of your system. They form the "visual boundary" that your pet will learn to associate with the warning beep given by his receiver collar. Without a visual boundary, your pet will only be confused by the warning beeps, and training will take much longer. Once the pet is trained, you may remove the flags. This is described in the training manual that comes with your kit.

Q - Where do I place the flags in relation to the buried wire?

A - The boundary flags must be placed on the inner edge of your boundary, at the point where the warning signal on your pets collar begins to activate. You never want to place the flags further into the middle of his "warning zone", because by doing so, you are telling him that it is OK to be in areas where the warning signal and shock are present. The boundary flags should be placed a maximum of 10 feet apart from each other along your entire boundary. Also, it is important to make sure the boundary is at least 5' from the buried wire.

Q - HOW DO I FIND A BREAK IN MY WIRE? (this one gets its own page!)

Q - What type of wire do you sell with your kits?

A - We automatically upgrade all of our Radio Fences to Heavy Duty polyethylene, boundary wire. Our wire is 3 times thicker and stronger than the wire you will find in any Retail or Online store and has proven to be extremely durable in any climate - even above ground. With many years of hands-on experience, we can ensure our clients get the best system - and best wire - for their individual needs each and every time. . Our wire is an 18 gauge solid core, direct burial wire. This same wire is used in commercial irrigation systems, and is designed to last a lifetime.

Q - Can I splice the wire?

A - Yes. Splicing is not a problem as long as it is done properly. It is vital that moisture be kept out of any splices or wire connections. Be sure to always use the same type and size wire, and also be sure that the splice is completely waterproof. To ensure a waterproof splice we recommend the 3M-316 irrigation splice. We make these splices available for $1.00 each.

Q - Why is it vital that my splices be waterproof?

A - If moisture gets into your wire it will cause corrosion, resulting in signal failure. Also, be sure to note the location of your splices for future reference, because almost all breaks in the system are located at splices.

Q - Does my wire have to form a complete loop for this system to work?

A - Yes.

Q - What can I do to protect my wire and transmitter from damage by an electrical storm?

A - Even though our systems have built-in lightning protection. we recommend that you get our Lightning Protection Module if you live in an area prone to thunderstorms. This is the only way to have 100% protection from lightning damage.

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